- Време: 20 и 21 јули во 19 часот
- Локација: КСП Центар Јадро
- Ментор: Давор Илиев и Тања Ефремова
Workshop: NFT ART – revolution or pollution
NFT art is a novelty in the digital world. An NFT (https://en.wikipedia.org/
During the three-day workshop “NFT ART – revolution or pollution”, artists will get to know in detail the new trends in the digital world, as well as the opportunities that this world offers for the coexistence of art and digital. The workshop will be a set of lectures, debates and practical work where the participants/artists will acquire the basic knowledge of the subject. The focus will be set towards explaining the way NFT works through practical examples, showing what happens in the background. This process aims to motivate participants to create their own profile as an artist in the NFT world.
The workshop is intended for 20 artists and curators (depending on the number of applications and interest) from all fields, especially fine art.
Tanja Efremova (1980, Skopje) graduated from the Institute of Art History and Archeology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (2007). During her studies, she participated in several archeology projects, and then digital media attracted her interest. As a result, in 2005 she started working for the first time as a web designer in the software company Babylon Software Solution, Skopje/London. She remains in this profession until today, gaining excellent experience in the field of modern media.
Davor Iliev was born in Dortmund, Germany, and lives and works in Skopje. From an early age, he showed an interest in writing and audio-visual arts. Graduating from the Department of Informatics at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics allows him to start professionally dealing with multimedia design at first, and then UI/UX design. With 18 years of work experience, he has worked on a number of diverse and large scale projects, both for domestic clients and outsourced projects for the US and EU. For the last 2 years he has been dedicated to NFT art and WEB3 programming.